The Named Gift Honoree presentation is made annually by our branch to recognize one of our members for her outstanding support of AAUW, such as serving as a longtime and dedicated officer, making other significant contributions to the branch, making significant financial contributions, or supporting or contributing in other ways to AAUW. Our branch will donate $500 to the AAUW Greatest Need Fund in the name of our honoree.
Sheryl Bewyer is a 50 year member of AAUW, first joining in 1971. She served as branch president from 1980-1982 and for 26 years Sheryl was our branch newsletter editor. Anyone who has ever done that type of work knows that it requires attention to detail, patience, and is time consuming. In order to be an informed newsletter editor, Sheryl attended most branch board of directors meetings when she wasn’t traveling somewhere wonderful with her husband Dave. Almost every year, Sheryl volunteered to work at our annual garage and plant sales. Our branch has been enriched in so many ways through Sheryl’s contributions.”
September CV3D Book Club Activities
The CV3D September book discussion is the graphic novel, “Moon of the Snow-Blind” by Gary Kelly.
The Hearst Center for the arts has many of his pictures from this graphic novel on display until September 16.
The Cedar Falls library has 4 copies of “The History of the Spirit Lake Massacre” by Abbie Gardner. It is less than 200 pages long.
Abbie was one of the girls captured by Ink-pa-du-ta and his band and she wrote this book after she was rescued.
The library has one copy of Kelly’s graphic novel. But the display at the Hearst Center has many pages from his book.
There will be a public reception with the Artist and book signing on September 2 from 5:00-6:30pm with Book signing at 5:30 pm
Books are available to buy at the Hearst Center for the Arts, 304 West Seerley Boulevard, Cedar Falls.
CV3D will discuss the book on Monday, September 13, 4:30-6:00 at the Hearst Center for the Arts in the Corning patio which is by the gardens behind the Center.
Reconnect with AAUW Cedar Falls-Waterloo
at the Waterloo Public Library (rooms A&B)
415 Commercial St, Waterloo, Iowa
Monday, August 30, 2021 – 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Great Food and Door prizes
The Waterloo Branch is 100 years old!
Come to learn all we have planned for this year!
There will be displays about the mission, Interest/study groups, community projects. Meet Co-Presidents Pauline Harding & Linda Morgan.
We need all of you to help us welcome invited guests who will be considering membership. Bring a friend who might like to join us.
For more information, contact, Shelia Bullock & Beebs Downing, Co-Vice Presidents for Membership AAUW Cedar Falls-Waterloo
Cedar Falls – Waterloo Branch Social Distances to Stay Safe
2019 Named Gift Honoree
Sandy Lawry has been selected to be this year’s Named Gift Honoree for the Cedar Falls-Waterloo Branch because of her outstanding support of AAUW. This award is given annually to a member who has served several terms as an officer, made significant financial contributions, and/or contributed to the group’s mission in other ways.
The recipient receives a framed certificate inscribed with her name, $500.00 is donated to AAUW Funds in her honor, and she is listed in the yearbook with past honorees.
Several members nominated Sandy. They all enjoyed working with her on AAUW projects since she joined the branch in 2014. Here are a few of the ways Sandy has supported the mission of “advancing gender equity for women and girls through research, education and advocacy.”
All mentioned Sandy’s willingness to help with any task that needs to be done. She is always cheerful and encourages the people she is working with.
Sandy served two years as Co-Vice President of Fundraising, and held the fundraising garage sale at her house for four consecutive years. During that time the branch also initiated a new fundraiser of shoe-collection and sales. Sandy was a major collector and bagger of shoes both years, and offered her garage as a shoe-collection site this past year. She also set up an AAUW account at Stuff, Etc. Members can use this account to contribute items to our scholarship fundraisers at their convenience. Sandy still picks up the cash we accumulate and maintains our relationship with Stuff, Etc.
During the past two years, Sandy served as Co-Vice President of Programs, and provided informative programs and outstanding speakers for our dinner meetings during that time.
Besides these major responsibilities, Sandy has done many one-time tasks that simply needed to be done. For example, she took the reservations for the State Convention the year it was held in Cedar Falls, and she continues to help keep Women-In-Motion participants active and involved.
Sandy is a true leader with many constructive Ideas for our group and has been continuously involved. She has earned the recognition of Named Gift Honoree, and the committee hopes she will continue to be a valued member of AAUW Cedar Falls-Waterloo for many years.
Named Gift Honoree Committee,
Myrna Sandvik, Ardelle Brown, Mary Dove
2019 Legislative Public Forums
Please join us for these public legislative forums.
All forums are at Central Middle School, 1350 Katoski Dr. Waterloo.
Topics to be announced.
- Friday, January 25, 2019 – 4:30-6:30
- Friday, February 22, 2019 – 4:30-6:30
- Saturday, March 9, 2019 – 10:00-12:00
- Friday, March 29, 2019 – 4:30 – 6:30
- Friday April 12, 2019 – 4:30-6:30
2018 Transition Scholarship
The 2018 Transition Scholarship was awarded by Karen Agee to Nouran Othman. The $1,000 scholarship will be used for expenses as Nouran continues her education at the University of Northern Iowa in accounting and public administration.
The Transition Scholarship is awarded to a non-traditional female student currently attending Hawkeye Community College who will enroll in at least 6 credit hours at UNI. Applicants must have a minimum cumulative GPA or 2.5 or more on at least 30 transferable credit hours from HCC. Preference is given to students majoring in a non-traditional field of study. For more information go to
search scholarship or
Women In Motion meet at Caraway Cafe May 17, 2018
Shoes for Scholarships
Cedar Falls-Waterloo AAUW is collecting shoes to raise funds for our scholarships. We need 2,500 pairs, and are halfway to our goal. The collection period ends May 31. Please contact Pat Higby about your donation!