Linda Morgan, Vice-President for Fundraising presented Sheryl this certificate at the Annual Meeting, held at Gateway Park on May 24, 2021.
The Named Gift Honoree presentation is made annually by our branch to recognize one of our members for her outstanding support of AAUW, such as serving as a longtime and dedicated officer, making other significant contributions to the branch, making significant financial contributions, or supporting or contributing in other ways to AAUW. Our branch will donate $500 to the AAUW Greatest Need Fund in the name of our honoree.
Sheryl Bewyer is a 50 year member of AAUW, first joining in 1971. She served as branch president from 1980-1982 and for 26 years Sheryl was our branch newsletter editor. Anyone who has ever done that type of work knows that it requires attention to detail, patience, and is time consuming. In order to be an informed newsletter editor, Sheryl attended most branch board of directors meetings when she wasn’t traveling somewhere wonderful with her husband Dave. Almost every year, Sheryl volunteered to work at our annual garage and plant sales. Our branch has been enriched in so many ways through Sheryl’s contributions.”